Freeplay drills
Below are the Freeplay drills recommended for Bronze - Silver.
Areas of Concentration
Boost Control
Camera Switches
Car Steering Control
Jumping off walls
Kickoff Hits
Power-slide Control
Tips for Faster Progression
1. Don't wait for the ball to get in a position where you are comfortable with. Jump sooner or from different angles while still trying to hit the ball hard.
2. If you are doing this properly, you should miss a lot of shots and get more consistent over time.
3. Spend every day warming up before playing online games
Freeplay Drills


1. Ground Control
Basic Driving Skills
Map: Utopia Coliseum - Daytime
How: With this map, there is a path around the inside of the arena (see video below). Stay on the path but go as fast as possible. Once you go around 2 times, change directions. Repeat several times
Why: This will help you with learning the car's fundamental movements
- If you hit the grass, reset your lap counter
- 2-5 times each direction.
2. Kickoff Practice
Map: Any
How: Drive into the ball and try to hit it on target. If comfortable, try to flip
Why: You will be doing kickoffs for the rest of your Rocket League days. The sooner you are comfortable with them, the better
- Hit the ball and reset your shot
- For more reps / min, don't watch the replay
3. Jump Off Wall
Car Cam
Map: Any
How: Drive along the wall, jump off, and air roll. You want to drive in both directions and air roll in both directions for complete control. Ball Cam OFF
Why: This drill will help you get comfortable using your air roll for small movements, which will lead to improving skills later on
- Turn the Ball cam off
- Both directions, 5 laps
5. Power-slide - 2 Lanes
Map: Utopia Coliseum - Daytime
How: Drive straight and perform a power slide turn once you're at the end of your lane; turn around 180 degrees and go back to the beginning. Repeat
Why: Help you understand the precision of power-sliding
- Go down past the middle line and turn before the second half of the field (video)
- Complete 5 laps in both directions
6. Power-slide - 1 Lane
Map: Utopia Coliseum - Daytime
How: Same as Drill 5, now sharper turns. You will now go down and back on lanes that are touching. Dark, light, dark, light, etc.
Why: Fine-tuning your power slide abilities to increase your in-game performance
- Go down past the midline and turn before the second half of the field (video) - Complete 5 laps in both directions
7. Boost / Car Control
Map: Any
How: Drive along the outside edge of the center to collect the small boost pads. Once you complete a whole lap, powerslide and turn around
Why: Familiarizing yourself with boost pad spawn locations is very important, especially the small ones
- Complete 1 lap and turn around, repeat 5 times
8. Free-play Touches
Map: Any
How: The focus is to hit the ball, toggle between ball cam / car cam, boost, power-slide, and just maintain control
Why: Learning how to control the ball in freeplay will get you more comfortable with the ball and increases your accuracy in-game
- Freeplay for 15 mins