What was done right? - Sequence of Events
Correct Key binds
Flip cancelled
Air rolled
Good timing for each step
Half Flipped Succesfully!

Training Pack: 549A-4BDE-CDB4-C6F5
Key Bindings
Air Roll vs. No Air Roll
Regular Air Roll
Regular air roll is more difficult due to the number of steps required and it takes a little longer than using directional air roll
Mechanic Breakdown: You have to wait until your flip is fully canceled before the game allows your car to air roll. Takes longer
Directional Air Roll
Directional air roll is the easiest and most preferred method for beginners learning half flips. This guide will show this method
No Air Roll
Using no Air Roll for a Half Flip is more advanced to learn but easier to execute in a panic situation
The easiest way to explain this is a speedflip but in reverse
You will hold reverse, perform a diagonal flip cancel while backflipping
The Half Flip
Step 1 - The Initial Flip
Do a Backflip - Pull down on the steering analog and double pressing the jump button
Step 2 - The Flip Cancel
After the backflip, pull the steering analog into the opposite direction (from down to up) and hold it there
The video controller overlay
This will stop your car from rotating into a complete flip
Step 3 - The Air Roll
When you have canceled your backflip and are upside down, hold your directional air roll to reorient your car with your wheels landing on the ground
Step 4 - The Adjustments
Sometimes you will have to make adjustments to your car to land the exact way you want

Common Mistakes
Use this drill to see if you are hitting the ball at the right time and at the right speed
Freeplay Drills
Drill 1 - Basic Straight Line
Pick a map that has a straight line
Mannfield - Night
Half Flip Back and forth and stay on the line
Freeplay Drill Video
Drill 2 - Advanced Directions
Pick a boost pad and half flip away from the boost pad. Next, half-flip back and land on the boost pad
Repeat the drill and integrate half flips and diagonal half flips as you get better
Freeplay Drill Video
Additional Tips
You should only move on to the next step after mastering the previous step
The Half-flip is an extremely useful mechanic for recoveries or changing direction fast
Using a half flip is much faster than turning around or using or drift, especially if you have no speed
The timing for flip cancels can be tricky at first, but practice, practice and you will develop muscle memory